"Royal Oak cares about kids and really understands how they learn best. My son's attitude toward school has transformed since starting there in September. No more complaints about school, homework—it's incredible how engaged he's become again. Plus, his confidence is back, and that is so important at this age. He feels secure to be himself and make mistakes because of the learning environment the school has consciously created. I can't say enough good things about this school, its teachers, and the people who run it".
Niki W.
"My children did online learning with Royal Oak during the school closure. The quality of education was phenomenal and my children became enthusiastic about learning again. The teachers are passionate and the head of school is approachable and knowledgeable. The decision to move to Royal Oak was an easy one to make".
Cindy Y.
"I am so happy I made the decision to move my curious and inquisitive young son to Royal Oak. He was welcomed with open arms by all the teachers and students and feels part of an extended family. After the first week at Royal Oak he was
speaking French, had improved speech (I even ended speech therapy) and came home calm and happy. As a mom of a young child it feels good to have such an open communication with the staff and other parents. You can tell the teachers really love the students and make every effort to bring out the best in the kids! I couldn't be more grateful"!
Denise A.
"In one year Royal Oak has become our home away from home. My goal was to find somewhere to challenge my children academically as-well as build confidence and identify their gifts. This school succeeds in doing so much more than just teaching the curriculum. Royal Oak represents excellence in learning but more importantly, excellence in kindness, community, awareness and acceptance. For me, it is just as important that my children are accepted for who they are, as it is to learn acceptance and tolerance for others. They have the resources to provide quiet spaces for children who may benefit from a moment to reflect, or just need a moment to catch up with their emotions.
My children, in small class sizes, receive the attention required to think bigger and are never discouraged if their strengths or weaknesses stand out from the crowd. The teachers are up to date and unified in their teaching methods.
I have received the support from the school that I needed to feel connected to my children’s academic path and clearly understand their individual strengths and weaknesses. I feel the strength of the community radiate from the school walls and find comfort in knowing we are not just names or numbers, but a valuable piece of a much bigger picture."
Mary A.
"We are a new family to the wonderful world of Royal Oak School. It truly is the school of our dreams! 60 days in and our daughter (in JK) surprises us on a daily basis with what she's learning. The school staff are the absolute warmest, supportive and most welcoming team. We are continuously kept abreast of our daughter's progress and are welcomed to join into the many special community activities that the children are encouraged to participate in. This school is a unique and precious place that creates student to student relationships that aren't typically found in a traditional school spaces. Seeing the more senior children welcome our daughter every morning is something special. I would also like to digitally high five the pricipal, Julia Murray, for doing such a brilliant job and spreading inspiring lessons in optimism & inclusiveness. GO ROYAL OAK GO"!
Stephane A.
"During these challenging times we are grateful that we were able to find a safe, online schooling option that was personalized, nurturing, and academically rigorous for our son. The staff and teachers at Royal Oak School have gone out of their way to create an enriching educational experience for all students, virtual learners included. Their efforts ensure that our son feels like an integral member of his classroom and the school community, even though he’s not physically at the school. We’re incredibly grateful for Royal Oak and the efforts they have put into keeping students safe and engaged". ~Scott H.
"The key to success with online learning is communication and Royal Oak has always excelled at this. In September, we opted not to return my young daughter to the classroom because of COVID-19 and potential health issues in the family. Her education has always been top priority for our family, and I was very concerned that she would be left behind. Being in Grade 2, I worried she was going to struggle to adapt to online learning. I was anxious I would not be able to cope with my own work schedule and helping her where needed. Right from the start, school staff responded to my questions and her teacher was able to meet with us one on one (virtually) to ease any concerns that we had. Thankfully, the weeks have been very structured. I receive a schedule so I can plan our days accordingly. There are adequate breaks, so she is not tied to the computer all day. Her teacher is very approachable, and I really feel that we have been able to work together to make sure my daughter is thriving in school. One overriding worry was that she would not feel part of the class, but that has not been the case. Because the class has so few students, she can be brought into discussions and work on projects with her classmates. She really enjoys sharing things with her class and you can see her eyes light up when she sees everyone. My daughter knows she has a place at Royal Oak when we feel that it is safe to return to in-class learning and that is a comforting thought in these uncertain times."
Bonnie M. & Anne M.