Our FAQs
Why send my child to Royal Oak?
Royal Oak Community School offers an individualized learning experience. The school has a team of dedicated teachers and Board members whose main goal is the success of each student and in helping our community grow. Our programming and approach to instruction evolves and adapts easily to the needs of our students, and is based on best-practice research about what the education and scientific community knows is best for children's learning.
How much homework is given?
Homework is dependent on the teacher and classroom, however, it is differentiated and always appropriate to the needs of each student. Homework is based on the developmental needs of the students in each grade, and focuses on time management, extending work done in class, and is meant to foster a stronger parent-child connection by helping families know what students are learning day to day.
Why are small class sizes important?
Smaller class sizes mean the teacher is more actively engaged with each and every student. They allow the teacher to better understand each child’s individual learning style and tailor the curriculum to meet those needs. Teachers are better able to monitor progress and identify learning opportunities as well as achievements. Moving ideas forward and progressing also happens more quickly in smaller groups, so students can dive deep into curriculum and learning goals and extend their thinking and learning.
When do children start learning French?
French begins at the earliest of grades, from the first week a child enters JK. Learning French early on is important as students learn languages optimally under the age of 6 . We know that starting early will lead to better gains in language acquisition and also a better foundation of other languages. All students at Royal Oak participate in daily French instruction.
When Can We Enroll at Royal Oak?
Royal Oak welcomes students at any point in the year. Tuition is pro-rated for families joining in term two or three.
How often do children go outside?
The students have two outdoor recesses during which they have ample green space to participate in authentic play, self-directed sports, and enjoy the fresh air. Studies show that vigorous outdoor play supports self-regulation, the ability to focus, and memory retention. Twice a week Royal Oak's Physical Education specialist guides the students through two hours of physical education and outdoor adventure. This helps foster a love of nature and fitness.